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TH!NK GLOBAL – Sustainability Network News page

Agroforestry for Sustainable Development - virtual Masterclass


On 31 July 2024, HSF Namibia organised a virtual masterclass titled ‘Agroforestry for Sustainable Development in Southern Africa – An Introduction’ as part of HSF’s Global Project for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change (GMACC). The online workshop is part of a series aiming at fostering dialogue and capacity building on key thematic areas of the project. Agroforestry is more than just a land management technique; it represents a vital strategy for enhancing food security, conserving natural resources, and promoting environmental resilience. In Southern Africa, where diverse ecosystems and communities intersect, the integration of trees and shrubs into agricultural landscapes offers promising solutions to many pressing challenges, from climate change to soil degradation. The masterclass provided participants from different world regions...

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The Ecothon in ASEAN


🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ The Ecothon in ASEAN officially kicked off today with a 2-day online training course for sustainable business coaches in the #ASEAN region 🤩

#happeningnow: 74 sustainable coaches from selected ASEAN countries are taking part in the Sustainable Business Coach Training instructed by international experts, covering important topics of sustainable entrepreneurship and sustainable business coaching such as #ESG, #SCP, sustainable business model development, business plan evaluation, green marketing strategies, etc. 25 coaches will be selected to join the Coach Orientation on Friday to prepare for their coaching sessions with excellent start-ups with sustainable business models of Ecothon in different ASEAN countries.

This training is organised as part of the Think Global Sustainability Network under the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung's Global Project on Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change (GMACC).


🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ Ecothon in ASEAN is an annual competition for innovative business ideas and models aimed at achieving the SDG12 “Sustainable Consumption and Production” (SCP) in the ASEAN reagion. Ecothon 2024 is hosted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups of the Republic of Korea, and co-organised by Hanns Seidel Foundation Vietnam, ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Center (ASEIC), and relevant ministries and local partners in selected ASEAN countries.

ກະຊວງ ອຸດສາຫະກຳ ແລະ ການຄ້າ - Ministry of Industry and Commerce Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM The Local Enablers CEDAR @DTICB, Brainsparks HSF_Asia

#circulareconomy #SDG12 #SCP #circularbusiness #startup #sustainableconsumption #sustainableproduction #ASEAN



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Virtual Masterclass on "Wetlands and Biodiversity - How can we cooperate with birds?"


On April 30, Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) hosted a virtual masterclass titled "Wetlands and Biodiversity - How can we cooperate with birds?" under the HSF Global Project for Mitigation and Adaptation  to Climate Change (Think Global Sustainability Network). The virtual masterclass, supplemented by contributions from various guest speakers, served to present the COP14 results and to give participants the opportunity to exchange views on various possibilities for international cooperation to make sustainable future for wetlands and birds. Dr. Seliger, representative of Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea, opened the virtual masterclass with a brief overview of the foundation's work and explained the focus on cooperation in the East Asian - Australasian Flyway. The opening speech was followed by speeches from various guest speakers....

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Upcoming event - 2024 Virtual Masterclass Wetlands and Biodiversity


  🌍Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea will host a virtual masterclass(webinar) about wetlands and biodiversity on 30 April 16:00-18:00 (KST, GMT+9). It will be an opportunity to share experiences and network among experts in the field of climate change, biodiversity, and migratory birds which is an indicator of the condition of the environment for further regional network on mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Central Asia.   🌍Please join us via QR code or link ( 🌍Language: English

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[CMS COP14 - Side event] Securing Asian Flyways: Ecological Perspective, Knowledge Sharing and Management


On the 13th of February 2024, as part of the CMS COP14, a side event was held, co-organized by the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF), the International Crane Foundation (ICF), and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). During the event, insights from flightway frameworks aiming to protect migratory birds were discussed. Various approaches, successes, challenges, and measures to enhance connectivity along migratory routes were highlighted. The significance of these issues for the CMS Flyways Programme and the Central Asian Flyway Initiative was also emphasized.  Vinayagan Dharmarajah moderated the entire event from BirdLife International.  Bernhard Seliger (HSF), Spike Millington (ICF), and Pasha Kalid (IUCN) presented current discussions from various flightway initiatives focusing on the connectivity of long-distance migratory birds. Pic1. From...

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[CMS COP14 - Side event] Securing Asian Flyways: Ecological Perspective, Knowledge Sharing and Management


On the 13th of February 2024, as part of the CMS COP14, a side event was held, co-organized by the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF), the International Crane Foundation (ICF), and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). During the event, insights from flightway frameworks aiming to protect migratory birds were discussed. Various approaches, successes, challenges, and measures to enhance connectivity along migratory routes were highlighted. The significance of these issues for the CMS Flyways Programme and the Central Asian Flyway Initiative was also emphasized. Vinayagan Dharmarajah moderated the entire event from BirdLife International.  Bernhard Seliger (HSF), Spike Millington (ICF), and Pasha Kalid (IUCN) presented current discussions from various flightway initiatives focusing on the connectivity of long-distance migratory birds. Additionally, the...

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Meeting with ICLEI Korea


On March 26, 2024, Dr. Hyunah Choi, Senior Researcher, and Minjae Baek, Regional Climate Project Coordinator at Hanns Seidel Foundation visited the ICLEI Korea office to meet with Bonghee Son, Deputy Director, and Minwoo Chun, Climate & Biodiversity Officer. ICLEI Korea is an international network for governance that gives local governments a voice and advocates for sustainability in the global community. Currently, more than 2,500 local governments in 125 countries are members, and as of March 2024, the Eclay Korea office is working with 58 local and regional governments in South Korea. The Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea office presented the Foundation's activities and shared the results of a side event and meeting with the ICLEI Africa office at the 14th Conference...

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UN Environmental Assembly 6 in Nairobi, Kenya


The commencement of UNEA 6 in Nairobi, Kenya signals the initiation of deliberations at the UN Environmental Assembly, which serves as the governing body of UNEP, the UN Environmental Program. For one week, representatives and stakeholders from nations across the globe gathered to discuss strategies for tackling global environmental crises. This year, a significant focus was on the crucial role of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs). The Hanns Seidel Foundation maintains a global Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with UNEP and actively participates in environmental initiatives across various countries. Member states have engaged in productive discussions and events addressing global environmental challenges and exploring opportunities for collaboration. The preservation of climate and biodiversity remains a top priority on the national agendas of member...

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Nature knows no borders – CMS COP14


The HSF participated in CMS(Convention on Migratory Species) COP(Conference of Parties)14 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan from February 12 to 17, 2024. During this event, all aspects of international cooperation for conserving the migration of mammals, birds, fish, etc were discussed.

The global environmental crisis affects not only humans but also animals. Especially migratory species. These animals rely not only on specific locations but also on their so-called migration routes, wintering, and summering grounds, as well as their resting places. Therefore, they are susceptible to habitat loss and other threats. Hence, CMS COP14 took place to discuss solutions for the protection of migratory species collectively.

Approximately 1300 researchers, conservationists, and government officials met in plenary sessions and a variety of working groups and side events to discuss the status and guidelines for the protection of migratory species and their habitats worldwide.

HSF Korea office is working to contribute to the CMS Central Asian Flyway (CAF) Initiative as part of the global climate project for Northeast and Central Asia. The HSF participated in the event for the first time, alongside representatives from Mongolia, Korea, Uzbekistan and Central Asia.

The alliance of people for the protection of migratory birds encompasses many important aspects: preserving biodiversity, ensuring the well-being of local communities, and mitigating climate change.

Among the significant outcomes of COP14 are strengthened measures to combat the illegal and unsustainable removal of migratory species and new global guidelines addressing the impacts of light pollution on migratory species. Furthermore, Dr. Seliger, Dr. Choi, and Ms. Baek as members of the CMS Flyways working group are supporting the flyways initiative.


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2024 Inter-Flyways Workshop

2024 Inter-Flyways Workshop

Have you ever seen a flock of birds flying across the sky last autumn? You are not alone in this, as the flocks of migratory birds can be observed every year in spring and autumn. However, these birds are threatened, primarily by us. The journey of migratory birds is impressive: From the farthest north of our planet to the southernmost point of the Earth, they cover distances ranging from Northern Europe to South Africa. How the animals maintain their overview and orientation during this journey is still a mystery to researchers. Recent findings suggest that the Earth's magnetic field plays an important role in the birds' sense of orientation. The number of these birds is also impressive: Approximately 4,000 of all...

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Upcoming Event: Inter-Flyways Workshop before CMS COP14 in Uzbekistan


Two days before the 14th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Migratory Species will take place in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) Korea will organise the 'Inter-Flyway Workshop'.

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Side Event at Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) COP 14


The 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS COP14) is set to take place in the historic city of Samarkand, Uzbekistan, from 12 to 17 February 2024. The conference will be convened under the slogan, "Nature knows no borders", which, along with the logo, is a reminder that the journeys of migratory species do not adhere to political boundaries, and that their survival is dependent on international collaboration and transboundary conservations efforts. CMS COP14 is a significant international meeting where governments, scientists and stakeholders will come together to agree on strategies for the conservation of migratory species and their habitats. The Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) Korea in collaboration...

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Round Table on MENA Climate Strategy in Morocco


With the increasing environmental and climate challenges globally, it is important to adopt effective strategies to address them and achieve sustainable development. In this context, Hanns Seidel Foundation launched its strategy on climate and environmental change in the Middle East and North Africa. This initiative comes in light of the current environmental conditions facing the region, which includes challenges related to climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss and other important environmental issues.   A roundtable was organized in Oujda, Kingdom of Morocco, on October 19, 2023, with the aim of consulting with partners on the priorities of the strategy in the MENA region and examining opportunities and challenges related to environmental and climate issues in the region. The session included the participation of...

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Protecting birds along the Central Asian Flyway – Networking visit in Uzbekistan


From 12 to 19 November, a networking visit to Uzbekistan was implemented by the HSF Korea office. The aim of the networking visit was to promoted climate projects for biodiversity conservation and the Central Asian Flyway (CAF) initiative under the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS). Several meetings with local organisations and government institutions were arranged to discuss further cooperationin the CAF initiative as close partners. Moreover, the delegation and experts from the Institute of Zoology Uzbekistan visited Tuzkan/Aydarkul Lake. Aydarkul Lake is the largest waterbody in the Aydar-Arnasay lake system. The lake was formed in 1969 due to an emergency evacuation from the Chardara water reservoir. It is fed by water from Tuzkan Lake and Arnasay water reservoir. This area was designated...

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Action Hub - UN Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week (LACCW 2023)


The regional network of Latin America participated in the Latin American and Caribbean Climate Week (LACCW) that was held from October 23 to 27 in Panama City. LACCW brought together several key actors, authorities, leaders and experts. The delegation of the regional network Latin America consisted of environmental leaders from Argentina, Bolivia and El Salvador who actively participate in civil society organizations, rural communities and public or private institutions. The regional network got the opportunity to organise a side event at LACCW. The event was a action hub titeled 'From neo-extractivism towards more sustainable economic models'. The various delegates from Argentina, Bolivia and El Salvador were also able to attend the forums and debate in panels on topics such as green...

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Round Table on “MENA Environment and Climate Strategy” in Egypt


End of November, the MENA environment and climate strategy was discussed with various stakeholders from civil society  of Egypt at round table discussion in Cairo. The event's primary mission was to foster synergy between Egypt's national environmental policies and the collective vision for ecological resilience. Through a series of discussions and collaborative exchanges, partners worked to delineate strategic directives that resonate with the pressing environmental imperatives of our times. The event provide a platform align with HSF MENA climate strategy for the partners to do progression towards a sustainable future, laying down a framework for impactful action within Egypt's environmental sector.  

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