Sub Sahara Africa


The Regional Sustainability Network (RSN) is located in Sub-Sahara Africa and is coordinated by HSF Kenia. It is the oldest regional network with its launch in 2018. Against the backdrop that Africa is a continent that is particularly affected and vulnerable to climate change, without having caused it in this form through its energy consumption and its relatively low emissions of CO2, the RSN aims at providing a platform for region-wide dialogue for partners active in the climate field from different countries of Sub-Saharan Africa.

The RSN uses the access that the HSF project work has created in other sectors to make the complexity of climate change visible and to achieve a better position in terms of policy, engagement, capacity and dialogue to address climate change in Africa. Members of this network are organisations working in the fields of climate change, environmental sustainability and in the energy sector on the African continent. They use the RSN as a platform for extended dialogue, knowledge sharing, mutual learning and working together to develop solutions. Members have taken an active part in national discussions on climate action such as low-carbon growth, smart technologies, renewable energy, green agriculture and climate smart agriculture. In the UNFCCC process, the network has worked with members to organise regional pre-conferences of Parties and support members to participate in conferences such as the COP and UNEA.

Up-to-date, the RSN consists of 12 members form 11 Sub-Sahara African countries. Being a unique platform that brings together organisations of different profile and status from different countries, it discusses Africa's climate change chanllenges in a unique multi-level and multi-perspective approach.

The strength of the RSN lies in its diversity. The members represent small grassroot-organsiations, well established expert organisations and influencial think tanks.


